Monday, October 13, 2008

the bunny rescuers

this is old news at our house, but just wanted to post it anyway. A few weeks ago Nate found (or I should say Daisy, our hunting dog) these baby bunnies in our pasture. The mother was gone and left these infants in a hole. (I say infants because they couldn't have been more than a couple days old-they're eyes were still closed) She was probably chased off by Daisy. Nate ended up putting them in a bucket with grass and bringing them to the house. I thought they were mice at first, because their ears were so short, but looking closer they're so much cuter than a mouse.
Cassie instantly fell in love.
and then there was the onlooker we had to keep away.
I have no idea if they survived. We took them back to the hole hoping the mother would come back to take care of them.