Tuesday, October 28, 2008

10 Months

Sorry I have no "happy" 10 month pictures to share. She hasn't been the happiest baby lately anyway. It's teething time, so we're always cranky. Just look at the 2nd picture with the big frown. She couldn't even crack a smile for me? whateva.

In other news, well, there is no big news stories, but we've been so busy. Maybe I should re-phrase: I'VE been so busy. Here's just a little taste: butchering turkeys, midterm tests, poster design assignment due, daycare on vacation, laundry, stamp class, assessment test, studying, laundry, studying, and more studying. I've probably missed something, but I can't think straight right now. I have not been this busy since planning for my wedding. My mind is going to crash anytime, I can just feel it.
Next week I only have one day of classes then Nate & I are traveling to Parkersburg Iowa for 2 days to help tornado victims rebuild. I am actually looking forward to help but also to get away and get my mind off of things at home. It will be a good experience. I'll keep you posted about how our trip went.