Wednesday, February 27, 2008

2 months old

I had so many cute pictures, it was hard to choose which ones to post.
But these are definitely my favorites. Enjoy!!

Look at those big blue eyes!!

And these eyelashes...I have no idea who she gets them from!

Then, Big Sister needed to get in on the action.

I couldn't decide if I liked color or b&w best??

She's still attached to those blankies....we're going to have to figure out a plan to set fire to them without her knowing.

Sunday, February 24, 2008


It was a beautiful day, sunshine and 30's, just perfect for Lydia's Baptism. And a beautiful service too. Love being back at Greenleafton, our home church. It was great to see all of the family again!

Mom made this cross cake, isn't it beautiful?

My sister, Deb, made Lydia this super sweet baptism bracelet with a little cross charm...such a treasure!!

Lydia wore the Baptism gown that my mother wore {60} years ago (sorry mom!!), and I wore it 27 years ago and Cassidy wore it 3 years ago. It's quite fragile so I was nervous about washing and ironing it, but it was fine. Doesn't she look precious?

Friday, February 22, 2008

Just too darn slow!

I can get her to smile, but only for a split second, then it's gone. This is the end of a much larger smile that I was too slow to capture! Someday....
At 8 weeks she can stand! With only me to support her she can stand for quite a while. Her knees don't last too long but she is quite strong!
She's only up once every night to eat, and we're grateful for that :) And growing like a weed. so sad :( But I guess that's a good thing, right?!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I need to stop.......

taking pictures of my beautiful girls!! Do you realize how far behind I am in my scrapbooks??!!!!

Here's Lydia...Ready for church, beanie hat and all!

Blonde hair, blue eyes

Self Portrait

Totally's a self portrait! Cassidy was super-especially after I told her that ice cream would follow :)
This was Nate's V-day gift from a frame of course.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's day!!

Nate arrived home at 3:30 this morning from his San Diego trip for work. Glad he's back now. He bought Cassidy a little toy airplane at the airport....Here's her reaction:

Cassidy: Daddy, this airplane is AMAZING!
Daddy: It is? Why?
Cassidy: Because you gave it to me!

Have a great Valentine's Day!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Our babysitter (hey michaela!!) made these matching bracelets for the girls---way before Lydia was born! So sweet!

6 Weeks

Lydia is 6 weeks old now. Man, time does fly. She's doing really well too. Definitely not as fussy anymore, and only up 1-2 times at night to eat. She's really alert during the day and loves to nap in her swing (which I have been calling the "Neglect-o-Matic") LOL!!
Isn't it funny how the first smiles and giggles are all worth the sleepless nights and endless crying?

Here's the silly kiddo. Yes, I actually went outside for once. I hate the outdoors in winter, so I just never get out, but thought that I needed to try some snowy pictures. She had to take her "prized possessions" (lightning mcqueens)outside with her. And the 2nd picture-she's telling me "it's too bright, too bright!!!!" Obviously this kid doesn't go outside in the winter either. go figure. Third picture is totally blown out, but I played with it in pse and thought it was kinda cute. Maybe you don't like it, but you don't have to. I'm just playing around.

I've been taking this free photography course online and have been playing with my camera more. Last year I started shooting in full manual mode, but didn't really know what worked best in every situation. Now I'm learning and really playing around more (especially now with a new lens) and getting the correct exposures for my shots. because, hey, I've got the camera to do this stuff, I should know how it works, right?